Thursday, March 8, 2012

Our story....

In 2010 life was was was was no was free could we possibly throw a wrench into this simplicity? Fast forward to March 2012 (see photo)

Yep, we are changing it up just a tad.

From 2008 - early 2011, we hosted a local boy in the LA foster system on the weekends with a program called Weekend Miracles through Kidsave. It was fun and different and gave us some exposure to what parenting might be like, for 36 HOURS! Doesn't seem all that hard when they go back home after a day....we've totally got this, right?!

We found a local adoption agency that did foster to adopt meaning you take kids out of the LA foster system into your home with the intention to adopt them. Orientation was painless and one of the guys who had just adopted a sibling set of young boys brought his 2 kids in - SUCKERS! Who can say no now? Certainly not this gal. They were so flippin' cute and I can almost guarantee with that kind of bait, almost everyone probably moved on to the 6 week, all day on Saturday training, including us. Around this same time, Kidsave had called us because we had been such awesome weekend hosts over the 3 previous years to the older boy out of the LA system. They asked if we wanted to do a different hosting program over the summer called Summer Miracles where Colombian orphans come to the US to find adoptive families. Since the thought of losing all freedom, money, ability to be crude on Facebook and possible sanity was on the line we decided to take this parenting thing on a 4 week test drive.

The months of April & May were horrific between all of the adoption training and paperwork and all of the hosting training and paperwork all coming down the pipeline at once. We were already feeling like we had lost all of our time to ourselves and we hadn't even really begun yet! We powered through those 2 months like grumpy champs and got our approval to host at the last minute about 10 days before the kids were to arrive end of June....and things just got crazier. We were scheduled July 1st to go to see my family in Ohio with our host child Alejandra for 4th of July.....SCREECH. What? The kids are now coming in on July 3rd? Huh? Time for our first pseudo parent freak out - yay! The resolve ended up being for one of the other host families to take Alejandra until we got back from Ohio.

New blog for new events.....  

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