I haven't yet been able to speak with Evan but from his texts, here is what I gather happened.....
*My maiden / married name was an issue
*His name was an issue because his full middle is on his birth cert but only middle initial on his passport
*There is an issue with the way the judge wrote the girls' names on the Sentencia
The person who signs off on the birth certs & IDs for the girls was out of the office today
I am not sure what this means in the grand scheme of things and this is just partial info as of now. They went to get photos of the girls for their new passports but other than that I think they are at a stand still until tomorrow.
The other issue they are having is that an appt at the doctor's office at the US Embassy has not been made yet but I am not sure why that is.
I do believe this means they are not going to be able to fly home Wednesday.
More to follow later......
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