What we now mostly know about the paperwork fiasco is that the defender signed the papers but did not write "the 3 day waiting period is waived". Apparently they ALWAYS write this and this has NEVER happened before and we don't know why it started now. They think it is some type of bizarre power play but they have no idea why he would do this. We are told there is nothing we can do and in fact, if we complain or make a stink they can make our lives miserable and make the wait even longer. The part that sucks is had Martha been there to explain to Evan what was going on, maybe he and the girls could have spoken with the defender and tried to convince him to do the right thing. Since the paper was signed Friday the 3 days start on Monday, which takes us to getting it signed by end of day Wednesday. Thursday morning they would go have sentencia with the judge and then immediately head over to where they need to get their new birth certificates. The next steps are to get their passports adjusted, have doctor appointments at the US Embassy and then get visas for the girls. All of that latter part would happen Friday and Tuesday....we lose a day because 5/21 is some made up holiday like the 30 others they have in any given year. What does this mean for their travel date? If everything stays on that schedule and there are no other issues that come up, they would fly home the morning of Wednesday 5/23.
Today the girls are excited because Saturday is their day that they can eat fried food, junk food and Coca Cola! I was on the phone this morning when Evan asked them what day it was....they had NO idea because their lives are so all over the place right now. When they finally knew it was Saturday he asked if they knew what that meant and they didn't know. After he said "It's Saturday...you get Coca Cola, fried food, candy" I heard Leidy yell with excitement! So funny.
They are going to go to a museum this morning with Jeffrey and his kids and then later this evening they are all going to a soccer game which the kids are completely thrilled about.
I hope the next couple of days are good for Evan, that he relaxes and has fun because it has been a tough last 24 hours of roller coaster emotion. He misses LA, work, his bed (which isn't the same as sleeping on a floor like the one he has in Colombia), his friends, people who speak the same language he does, the dogs....well, and me of course! DUH
That last thing he "misses" might be more like 50/50.